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Trees & Shrubs of the Okavango Delta
Medicinal uses and Nutritional value
The Shell Field Guide Series, Part I
von Veronica Roodt
Paperback, 221 Seiten, Farb- & Schwarzweißillustrationen
Shell Oil Botswana (Botsuana), 1998, ISBN 99912-0-241-2
Einführung: "This book is the first in a series of guidebooks on the Okavango Delta and the National Parks and Reserves of northern Botswana. A shorter version of Trees of the Okavango Delta appeared in 1993 and by popular demand some 29 species of shrubs, woody climbers and other trees were added to give a more complete representation of the important woody species of the area. The objective of this book is not only to provide a ready means of identification but, more importantly, to create an understanding of the tree in its surroundings or its 'ecological setting'. This suggests that the tree is described in relation to its soil preference, associate plant species, its root system, the birds, animals and insects it attracts and its use to man - in other words, a holistic approach. The trees were chosen on account of their abundance, unique appearance or their economical, nutritional, spiritual, or medicinal importance. The book was thus specifically designed for those who take pleasure in the beauty and intricate world of trees and are eager to learn not only to identify the tree, but about all aspects associated with it. The holistic approach will be maintained throughout the series, the ultimate aim being to give the reader an understanding of the interdependence of all living creatures and natural systems in the Okavango Delta and to provide, at the same time, user-friendly field identification guides and reference books. It is often difficult to distinguish between 'trees' and 'shrubs'. A shrub is usually not taller than 2 m, but the distinguishing factor is that it has a very short stem with numerous thin branches near the ground and it never grows into a single-stemmed tree. The branches of shrubs are always woody, as opposed to the soft, green branches of herbs. This book also includes the more robust, woody climbers and they would qualify for our purpose as 'climbing shrubs'. All trees described in this book are indigenous. The family name is provided in the top right-hand corner and the scientific name occurs in the top left-hand corner. The English and Tswana vernacular names are provided below the scientific names. The Southern African national tree number has been added to simplify identification and cross-reference. The meanings of the scientific names are also provided. The basic information on bark, leaves, flowers and fruit is given in a separate block for quick reference. For each tree, information is provided (where available) on its economical, nutritional, spiritual and medicinal importance. Throughout the book additional information is supplied in separate blocks to provide background on subjects mentioned in the text. Much emphasis has been placed on insects because of their close association with trees and because few people ever take the trouble to learn to identify them. This is an ideal opportunity because it is easy to learn something new in the context of something familiar. They are, for most of us, shrouded in mystery. For the sake of uniformity, the butterflies and other insects are discussed under the heading 'Other' instead of 'Nutrition'. A short section on the propagation and cultivation of some trees has been included for those who are interested."
Bezugsquellen / Where to buy Kaufen Sie dieses Buch bei Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteNHBS (Großbritannien), Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteNetBooks (Südafrika), deutschsprachige Website / German-spoken website Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteNamibiana Buchdepot (Deutschland) oder direkt bei Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteVeronica Roodt Publications (Südafrika). Oder suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other (Kanada) oder deutschsprachige Website / German-spoken website Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other (Deutschland).
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Wildlife of the Okavango
Common Animals and Plants
von Duncan Butchart
Paperback, 126 Seiten, Farbfotos, 1 Farbkarte
Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteStruik Publishers (Südafrika), 2000, ISBN 1-86872-538-3
Rückentext: "A remarkable variety of animals and plants occur in the magnificent wilderness region surrounding the Okavango Delta. This guide to the more common and conspicuous wildlife of Moremi, Chobe, Mudumo and other sanctuaries of northern Botswana and Namibia's Caprivi Strip, is an easy-to-use, all-in-one field reference. With over 300 species descriptions illustrated with colour photographs, information on geology, climate and habitats, as well as useful tips on watching and identifying wildlife, this guide makes it easier than ever to identify the eagle circling above your camp, the antelope splashing through the wetlands, the fishes of the waterways, or the prominent trees. The only regional guidebook of its kind - each species is linked to its preferred habitat/s with colour-coded symbols."
Bezugsquellen / Where to buy Kaufen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partner Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für mögliche andere Bezugsquellen bei deutschsprachige Website / German-spoken website Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websitePreisTester (Deutschland), Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteKelkoo UK oder Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteAddALL (USA).
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