Afrika südlich der Sahara / Africa south of the Sahara Bwana Mitch's Safari-Shop:
Tierfilme über afrikanische Büffel
Wildlife Films on African Buffaloes
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Tierfilme über afrikanische Büffel
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Englische Ausgabe mit Regionalcode 2 im PAL-Format / English edition with Region 2 encoding in PAL format Relentless Enemies: Lions and Buffalo (BW/SA/USA, 2006)  DVD Widescreen Edition
Produzent: Dereck Joubert & Beverly Joubert
Kamera: Dereck Joubert & Brad Besterlink
Ton: Beverly Joubert
Sprecher: Jeremy Irons
Musik: J. B. Arthur
Eine Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteWildlife Films Botswana (BW) Produktion in Zusammenarbeit mit Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteIndustrial Development Corporation (SA) für Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteNational Geographic Channels (USA)
DVD, Regionalcode 2, PAL-Format, 89 Minuten
Bild: Farbe, Bildformat 1,85:1 Letterbox
Ton: Englisch (Dolby Digital 5.1)
Next Video (Südafrika), April 2006, SWFD 007, EAN 600969288-193-9
Cover: "Relentless Enemies: Lions and Buffalo is a beautiful film about the story of one pride of lion and one herd of buffalo isolated on an island in Botswana's Okavango Delta. The film shows, in intimate detail, the struggles between these two enemies and the extreme hunting of lions in this deep swamp water. It also tells the story of this pride's own struggle within their group, a battle that could endanger the survival of the whole pride of lions. So this is a race to survive by both the buffalo and the lions that hunt them so relentlessly. It is the third of a trilogy that started for the filmmakers, Dereck and Beverly Joubert, with Eternal Enemies and then Ultimate Enemies, all three now, about the extreme relationships that lions have with three different counter species, that reveal a more in depth layer of lion life than ever before seen."
Bezugsquellen / Where to buy Kaufen Sie diese DVD bei Bwana Mitch's Partner Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other (Südafrika) oder direkt bei Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteWildlife Films (Südafrika).
VHS-Video / VHS video PAL herausgegeben in Südafrika / released in South Africa: Bezugsquellen / Where to buy Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteWildlife Films
VHS-Video / VHS video NTSC herausgegeben in Südafrika / released in South Africa: Bezugsquellen / Where to buy Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteWildlife Films
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Englische Ausgabe mit Regionalcode 2 im PAL-Format / English edition with Region 2 encoding in PAL format Survival on the Savannah (SA, 1999)  DVD
Londolozi Productions
Regie: John Varty
Produzent: John Varty
Kamera: Warren Samuels, John Varty, James Marshall, Elmon Mhlongo u.a.
Ton: Johnson Ubisi, Reckson Ntimane, Moses Onoosaron & Leperes Yiamat
Sprecher: Anton Schmidt
Musik: Grant McLachlan
Produziert von Londolozi Productions (SA)
DVD, Regionalcode 2, PAL-Format, 52 Minuten
Bild: Farbe, Bildformat 4:3 Fullscreen
Ton: Englisch (Dolby Digital 2.0)
GTV/Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteNu Metro Home Entertainment (Südafrika), April 2004, LZDVD-020, EAN 6003285-12055-9
Cover: "Two of Africa's most ferocious animals are on a collision course! This is a story about the battle for survival between Africa's top predator, the Lion, and the formidable Cape Buffalo, an immensely powerful and dangerous adversary. The great strength of a male lion and the collective skills of the pride are key to a successful kill. The buffalo is a high-risk target, but a successful kill rewards the lions with a feast of meat. A dramatic tale about a pride of lions that regularly attacks and kills buffalo in what is a deadly duel for both species. A fascinating story about the life of this pride with unique and spectacular footage, including: Lions systematically isolating a young buffalo from the herd. A buffalo herd coming to the rescue of a young calf attacked by lions. Hyaenas attempting to steal a carcass from lions. A titanic struggle between two male lions and a large buffalo bull. Buffalo bulls fighting each other for the right to breed. An intense 12 hour standoff by a buffalo trapped between crocodiles and lions."
Bezugsquellen / Where to buy Kaufen Sie diese DVD bei Bwana Mitch's Partner Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other (Südafrika).
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